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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Motion Center Disagrees with Censorship on Facebook - Stands firm for Freedom of Speech

Official Communication from Motion Center

              Motion Center has reached out to Facebook's management and have attempted to build a bridge of understanding and communication in reference to their policy where their technology scans the content of a page that a member attempts to link to their profile. The service will ban a link immediately if the page contents includes certain advertising services. The content of the linked page is not considered. Simply because a web publisher decides to use Linkbucks, an advertising platform that allows website audience members un-delayed access to website content and still allows advertisers to track performance and is an age-appropriate to avoid any adult content from finding the eyes of younger viewers. Why Facebook would not approve of a service that specifically filters adult material from children is not clear and Facebook's management has not returned Motion Center's message sent this week.

           The policy that is in place at this time seems to target two linking programs specifically, but allows other services to link to their third party pages, that currently have advertising resident on it without any restrictions. In some cases the other third party links force audience members to view advertising before viewing the content. Motion Center and their advertising partners do not require this.

           The internet is a democratic arena, and the viewers and traffic will serve as votes. Audience members should have access to all services without censorship. Independent bloggers should be treated the same as any other media outlet.

Disclosures: Motion Center has spent money on advertising on Facebook. It is a shame that Facebook, does not share the importance of supporting this small  business.

Facebook was given the opportunity to review and respond to a communication on this topic and failed to reply in any manner.

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